Get Bulletproof Payment Processing & Maximize Revenue with EmerchantPay

EmerchantPay is an online and in-store payment solution that makes accepting payments seamless for you and your customers.

Their solution will empower you to improve customer experience and grow revenue.

EmerchantPay will also let you globalize your business and reach new markets.

- 150+ processing currencies

- 80+ payment methods

- 19+ offices globally

By choosing them as your payments partner, you'll have a dedicated account manager and a technology and risk support team behind you at every step.

Here’s how EmerchantPay helped our customers maximize their bottom line.

Accept Payments Across All Customer Devices

EmerchantPay works closely with you to tailor your online payment methods to customers.

They will empower you to offer a seamless digital experience to your customers and expand your business so you can maximize revenue.

- 80+ global payment methods

- Integrate with leading shopping carts

- Digital payments on multiple channels

More Payment Types, More Conversions

EmerchantPay lets you offer your customers a range of online payment methods. Their powerful API helps streamline the checkout experience and increase conversion rates.

With their single point integration you can cater to local preferences on a global scale.

Whether your customers are in Europe, Africa, North or South America, Canada or the Asia-Pacific, ensure they pay how, when and where they want.

Dynamic Currency Conversion

You always want to show prices in your customers’ preferred currency.

(so you can eliminate any additional steps customers need to take, such as doing the currency conversion themselves.)

At Checkout Champ, we want to see you grow; that’s why our team gives you all the solutions and functionality you need to turn a small e-commerce into an international enterprise. One of these is Geographic Tracking to convert the checkout to your customer’s local currency.

This allows you to display prices in round numbers in your customer’s local currency.

Also, there is easy, one-click customization for every step of the dynamic currency conversion – and trust us, we offer every currency out there!

Unlike other platforms, there are no additional fees to utilize this feature, we want to see you grow.

Save as much as 5% in additional charges - and avoid increasing your prices to justify the fees and losing customers to competitors.

Ensure customer loyalty for the highest sales potential – existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more.

Save 69.57% of sales by reducing cart abandonment.

Flexible integration options

EmerchantPay delivers an optimized payments integration with their customisable solution, tailored to your business needs.

  Hosted payment page. They host your customisable payment page on our fully PCI DSS compliant server. This option is ideal for SMEs looking to reduce their PCI DSS requirements and development work.

  Client-side encryption. Create a superior experience with customisation and control of your online payments page while limiting your PCI compliance requirements.

  Server-to-server integration. You have total control to design a tailored payments flow for customers. This is ideal for enterprise businesses that are PCI compliant.

EmerchantPay has a range of trusted partners that empower customers to use their tool to the fullest.

Looking for Even More Options?

At Checkout Champ, we make everything we can to ensure you’re as efficient as possible.

That’s why we offer you 358+ all-in-one integrations, including Zapier, that can completely automate the manual labor and make your team focus on the stuff that matters – saving you a lot of money.

EmerchantPay has a range of trusted partners that empower customers to use their tool to the fullest.

However, there is a lot more that our team can help you with…

Checkout Champ has a strong team of developers who are here just for our customers. That means that if you don’t find a feature or functionality you’re looking for and no integration is suitable, we will develop it for your business.

That’s right; you get a custom solution tailored just to your business.

Book a demo call with us today.

Payment Reporting Insights That Grow Your Business

EmerchantPay helps you understand how your payment flow is performing with their detailed transaction reporting tools.

This drives your business and encourages data-driven decisions that boost revenue and cash flow.

Of course, their team understands that every business is different.

That’s why their reports are customized based on the data you want to receive. Expert analysis combined with comprehensive and easy to access reports provides you with all the data required to get ahead.

Combat Fraud and Reduce Chargebacks

73% of shoppers value security. Nearly 3 in 4 shoppers claim security is more important than convenience when shopping online.

EmerchantPay uses a sophisticated real-time, rules-based analytics engine to generate anti-fraud models for your business. This helps reduce decline rates, and improve dispute and chargeback management.

Plus, their software supports end-to-end fraud prevention capabilities.

- Informed decisions for maximum payment security. Their team works closely with you to mitigate risk, and to improve acceptance and conversion rates. Their payment security software identifies and prevents fraudulent transactions for maximum payment protection.

- Your dedicated risk analyst. Your experienced risk analyst will advise on best payment risk management practices for your business. They also provide velocity checks, transaction count and amount thresholds, to protect you from financial exposure.

PCI Level I Compliance

At Checkout Champ, data security is of enormous importance to us, and we take vital steps to safeguard your customers’ information – and your business as well.

That’s why we provide PCI Level I Compliance – the highest level of payment security standards.

Checkout Champ also allows you to go headless and use the most secure API in e-commerce.

But since safety is one of the most essential elements in e-commerce, we decided to step it up a notch. That’s why we partnered up with Braintree – the safest payment solution on the market.

Braintree created a game-changing security system that helped their customers achieve:

50% reduction in chargebacks. Just 6 months after integrating with Braintree, Hype DC saw a reduction in chargebacks.

2X improvement in fraud detection. Rely on the most secure 3DS2 system that detects every fraudulent attempt and keeps your business and customers safe.

50% reduction in false positives. Braintree’s next-level AI fraud detection has encountered billions of fraudulent attempts, so we always catch fraudulent activity – and avoid flagging false positives.

Globalize Your Business & Keep Customers’ Payment Data Safe

EmerchantPay makes your business payments secure, fast, and reliable.

It eliminates any friction or concerns from customers, making the customer experience seamless, and boosting your bottom line. Our customers love EmerchantPay and they’ve seen massive results from using it.

Now it’s time for you to get the same results too.

Checkout Champ takes care of the whole e-commerce experience, while EmerchantPay adds a cherry on top with its flawless payment processing.

If you’re looking to reduce chargebacks and get paid faster, you need to use it now.

Looking to easily integrate EmerchantPay or any other payment processor to your ecom stores and funnels, without additional apps or expensive custom development?

Checkout Champ can help.

Book a demo call with our team now!