PayPal: Experience a 189% Boost in Sales Volume & 13% Increase in Approval Rate

PayPal is the first and biggest e-commerce online payment gateway.

In fact, PayPal’s market share in the online payment processing industry is 43.85% (beating its closest competitor, Stripe by over 20%.)

PayPal has received 20+ awards for excellence and is one of the most preferred payment options. Checkout Champ users love it and have seen massive results, including:

2X Conversion rate lift on mobile

189% Boost in sales volume

5-6% growth in new customer sign-ups in just one month

PayPal is super-easy to integrate, keeps you and your customers safe, and helps you get paid faster and more easily.

DOUBLE Your E-Commerce Conversions

With Checkout Champ you can create a super low friction user experience, so your customers can impulse buy their favorite products in seconds.

- <1 second load time – 10X faster than your current e-commerce, helping you save 44,2% of customers and get a conversion rate of almost 40%

- 3X conversions with our one-step checkout pages – minimize the number of steps it takes to make a purchase and optimize cart pages with fully custom designs

Yet, despite these amazing results, the cart abandonment rate tends to be high for e-commerce stores, mostly because of the last step at the checkout – the payment.

It’s tedious to go get your wallet and type in your card number, name on the card, and CVV.

…and that’s precisely what PayPal eliminates.

Your customers can skip this dull process and pay with PayPal in seconds. It eliminates the need for customers to enter personal details including shipping, billing, or payment information.

Customers just pick PayPal as the payment method and they’re automatically redirected to their site.

All they have to do is click the Pay button and they’re all set.

That’s one of the main reasons why our users who leverage PayPal see a massive increase in sales and conversions:

46% increase in profitability by offering a more personalized experience

4.7/5 customer satisfaction score by delivering a more personalized experience and being more professional

$400k saved in refunds by helping customers and resolving their issues

It eliminates any friction and allows your customers to pay for their products in seconds.

Make Your E-Commerce Bulletproof Secure

Checkout Champ cares about the safety of your e-commerce and customers, that’s why we provide PCI Level I Compliance – the highest level of payment security standards. Plus, we also allow you to go headless and use the most secure API in e-commerce.

But since safety is one of the most essential elements in e-commerce, we decided to step it up a notch.

That’s why we partnered up with PayPal – one of the world’s safest payment gateways.

Instead of customers typing in their sensitive information, they can skip this step and pay on PayPal's secure site – where they’ll be automatically redirected.

Plus, your customers are not the only ones staying safe…

PayPal Seller Protection can help protect you in every step of the payment process, even after the sale, on eligible transactions. From fraud protection to 24/7 monitoring and advanced encryption, protecting your business is serious business to us.

That way, you’ll deliver the safest possible experience to your customers and your business as well.

Serve Customers from Anywhere in the World

At Checkout Champ, we want to see you grow, that’s why our team gives you all the solutions and functionality you need to turn a small e-commerce into an international enterprise.

One of these is Geographic Trackingto convert the checkout to your customer’s local currency.

This allows you to display prices in round numbers in your customer’s local currency. Also, there is easy, one-click customization for every step of the dynamic currency conversion – and trust us, we offer every currency out there!

Unlike other platforms, there are no additional fees to utilize this feature, we want to see you grow.

- Save as much as 5% in additional charges – and avoid increasing your prices to justify the fees and losing customers to competitors

- Ensure customer loyalty for the highest sales potential – existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more

- Save 69.57% of sales by reducing cart abandonment

But there might still be a few countries that may cause issues – which PayPal completely eliminates.

PayPal allows you to sell without boundaries. You can open your business to millions of PayPal active shoppers in 202 countries.

With a 13% higher approval rate, you will never miss another sale or risk customer complaints.

Get Paid Immediately

You’ll get the money in the bank instantly after your customers will pay you.

A few minutes after every sale, you can see the funds in your PayPal account. If you wish, you can then withdraw them to your bank account. That way, you’ll always have money at hand, without any hold-ups or issues.

You’ll also get an intuitive dashboard that allows you to track sales, lost sales, AOV, and more.

Maximize Conversions & Get Paid Instantly with One of The Fastest Payment Gateways

PayPal is the biggest player in the online payment gateways. It provides one of the safest, fastest, and most convenient ways to get paid. It supports 200+, 25 currencies, and has a high approval rate.

Our users were able to get astonishing results, including:

2X Conversion rate lift on mobile - PayPal makes buyers feel safe to spend more on their phone

100% increase in the number of transactions - yes they DOUBLED sales

Nearly 4% lift in customer retention - with customer acquisition costs rising, this has exponential power to boost revenue up to 80%

Checkout Champ takes care of the whole e-commerce experience, while PayPal adds a cherry on top with its flawless payment processing.

If you’re looking to minimize the cart abandonment rate and get paid faster, you need to use it now.

Looking to easily integrate PayPal or any other payment processor to your ecom stores and funnels, without additional apps or expensive custom development?

Checkout Champ can help.

Book a demo call with our team now!