70% Lower Cart Abandonment Rate & 85% Faster Transaction Time with Braintree

Reach more buyers and drive higher conversions with a world-class payment solution - Braintree.

Braintree is the only platform that gives access to popular payment methods like PayPal and Venmo, as well as every bank card and digital wallet.

Create a seamless experience, simplify the checkout process, and capture more sales.

More conversions. Reduce cart abandonment by 70%, increase conversions, and encourage repeat business by giving buyers a checkout with fewer clicks and a friction-free UX.

Attract more buyers. Reach new segments and get access to multiple currencies, global markets, and all popular payment methods.

Streamline business operations. Never sacrifice revenue on unproductive tasks that drain your resources by managing internal costs and automating repetitive tasks.

Keep Your Data Secured

At Checkout Champ, data security is of enormous importance to us, and we take vital steps to safeguard your customers’ information – and your business as well. That’s why we provide PCI Level I Compliance – the highest level of payment security standards.

Checkout Champ also allows you to go headless and use the most secure API in e-commerce.

But since safety is one of the most essential elements in e-commerce, we decided to step it up a notch. That’s why we partnered up with Braintree – the safest payment solution on the market.

Braintree created a game-changing security system that helped their customers achieve:

50% reduction in chargebacks. Just 6 months after integrating with Braintree, Hype DC saw a reduction in chargebacks.

2X improvement in fraud detection. Rely on the most secure 3DS2 system that detects every fraudulent attempt and keeps your business and customers safe.

50% reduction in false positives. Braintree’s next-level AI fraud detection has encountered billions of fraudulent attempts, so we always catch fraudulent activity – and avoid flagging false positives.

Here’s how you can secure your business and achieve the same results.

Next-Generation Authentication

The biggest reason why they were able to drive such incredible results is their data-driven authentication with 3D Secure 2.

Adding 3D Secure 2 ensures a secure checkout for your customers, protects your business against fraudulent transactions, and keeps your transactions compliant with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements.

It will also reduce your cart abandonment rate – which is at an all time high.

That’s right, our users have seen as high as a 70% decrease in cart abandonment thanks to 3DS2 and no friction at checkout. Your business deserves the same!

Improve Security with Fraud-Prevention Tools

Looking for additional security features Checkout Champ or Braintree might be missing?

Integrate Checkout Champ into your tech stack (358+ app integrations, 180+ payment processors), create automation rules, and enjoy the fully-secured, hands-off experience.

That’s one of the main ways our customers were able to decrease the transaction reduction time by 85% – maximizing the chances of conversions.

Choose from Every Payment Method

Braintree is the only payments platform that gives you access to every major payment method, including:

  • PayPal
  • Venmo (in the US)
  • All credit and debit cards,
  • Plus, the most popular wallets and local payment methods in a single integration. It’s essential you provide your customers with their preferred payment method.

    Or you might risk losing them…

    Braintree mitigates this risk, captures every customer, and provides the best possible experience.

    Save time and resources. Minimize expenses and achieve a truly hands-off experience by automating repetitive tasks and creating operational flows.

    Optimized for web and mobile. Capture all sales on every device by giving buyers a seamless checkout experience across devices.

    A single, simple integration. Add every major payment method with a single click of a button, no hassle, no time wasted.

    Available Around the Globe

    Braintree is available to merchants in over 45 countries/regions around the world.

    Braintree reduces friction for your customers with presentment in 130+ currencies and multiple settlement currency options. Coupled with 185+ payment processors supported by Checkout Champ, you have everything you need at your fingerprints.

    (so you can provide a seamless experience for each customer, no matter where they are.)

    Making your business superior to any competitor!

    Checkout Champ also provides you with Geographic Tracking to convert the checkout to your customer’s local currency. This allows you to display prices in round numbers in your customer’s local currency.

    There is also easy, one-click customization for every step of the dynamic currency conversion.

    Unlike other platforms, there are no additional fees to use this feature, we want to see you grow.

    Access 250+ million active PayPal accounts. Get in 200+ new markets and increase your reach and conversions.

    45+ countries/regions. Turn your local business into an international one and grow to 7 or 8 figures like most of our users.

    130+ currencies. Provide your customers with their preferred currency and capture every sale.

    Make Data-Driven Decisions That Maximize Your Potential

    Braintree provides you with the transaction insights you need to effectively run your business.

    Payments are complicated, but reporting on them shouldn’t be. Braintree makes it easy to track your transactions so that you know what amount to expect and when to expect it. That makes data easy to understand for everyone – whether you’re a technical person or not.

    Get key insights with Control Panel reports

    Braintree offers a super-helpful control panel full of critical KPIs and metrics to make you grow. You’ll find precisely what your business lacks, what you do well, and how to improve.

  • The most extensive filter. Filter any transaction by card type, created date, settled date, and every other possible metric.
  • Decline analysis. Maximize your conversions by finding out why payments were declined, fixing any underlying issues, and approving more sales.
  • Webhook notifications. Receive real-time information on events taking place in your gateway and never miss a single high-profit transaction.
  • Take control of your data

    Check Champ API enables you to build custom reports for your specific needs.

    Plus, you can also utilize enterprise plugins to sync other business platforms with your Braintree integration.

    Reduce Cart Abandonment Rates & Connect With Customers Around the Globe

    Keep your data secured, maximize conversions, and create a seamless experience for your customers. Braintree is a platform that will help you with all of that.

    The unique thing Braintree offers is 3D Secure 2 – a game-changing security system.

    Braintree will also turn your local business into an international one (or expand into other high-profit markets).

    Access 250+ million active PayPal accounts. Get in 200+ new markets and increase your reach and conversions.

    45+ countries/regions. Turn your local business into an international one and grow to 7 or 8 figures like most of our users.

    130+ currencies. Provide your customers with their preferred currency and capture every sale.

    …and so much more.

    Now is the best time to integrate it and get your business to the next level.

    Checkout Champ will give your business a competitive advantage with its cutting-edge technology while Braintree will add a cherry on top with its high-tech security and global payment solutions.

    Looking to easily integrate Braintree or any other payment solution to your ecom stores and funnels, without additional apps or expensive custom development?

    Checkout Champ can help.

    Book a demo call with our team now!