400K+ Saved in Refunds & 98% FASTER Response Time With Gorgias

Gorgias is the best customer service platform, with over 12,114+ happy customers. It has won 5+ awards for helping e-commerce businesses deliver the best customer service.

Checkout Champ users have seen astonishing results from using Gorgias:

$80k+ generated in revenue from providing exceptional customer service and turning thousands of lost customers into loyal audience

46% increase in profitability by offering more personalized experience, which led to a massive expansions for multiple of our users

84% faster resolution and 98% quicker response time, which separated us from competitors, and helped us win more customers

It’s super-intuitive, and we were able to get it up and running in just a few minutes.

The Best Customer Experience

Customer experience is an essential aspect of every successful ecommerce and one of the deciding factors whether customers make a purchase.

That’s why our team puts every effort into creating the most customer-friendly experience possible.

Checkout Champ offers functionality and user experience that no other platform can match, which includes things like:

>1 second checkout load speed, so your ecommerce store will be 10X faster than competitors on other platforms, and you’ll maximize the chances of making a sale

3X conversions withone-step checkout pages, which will help you capture more customers, and increase revenue

99.9% uptime, so you never miss a single sale and steal competitors’ customers while their ecommerce site is down

But we decided to step up our game even further by partnering up with Gorgias.

Gorgias helps you provide the most personalized experience, which is key for driving more revenue and making your ecommerce business more profitable.

Gorgias does this by automatically inserting customer data provided by Checkout Champ.

From first name to shipping address, directly into each customer interaction. It's an automatic and accurate way to get a more personal customer experience.

…and prevent one of the customer’s biggest frustrations customer service.

Also, Gorgias centralizes all customer communication in one place – so you never miss a thing.

You’ll get all the customer's data displayed when you're talking to them. Edit orders, modify subscriptions, and refund payments without leaving your helpdesk.

This led to massive results forCheckout Champ users – and allowed them to expand their businesses.

46% increase in profitability by offering a more personalized experience

4.7/5 customer satisfaction score by delivering a more personalized experience and being more professional

$400k saved in refunds by helping customers and resolving their issues

Automate Your E-Commerce

Checkout Champ builds tools to automate your e-commerce business, so you can free up your time and focus on growth.

When you join Checkout Champ, you’ll get your own Client Success Manager who will do everything for you.

That’s how we are able to offer a pain-free migration.

Your Client Success Manager will work with your team to integrate Checkout Champ into your tech stack (358+ app integrations, 180+ payment processors), create automation rules, and enjoy the hands-off experience.

But we’re pushing this one even further…

Checkout Champ’s integration with Gorgias completely automates your customer service and free up time of your customer service reps.

For instance, you can create Personalized answers for most common questions.

Leverage AI to recommend the most suitable articles for your customers – and build a rapport with them, so they’re more likely to buy.

Plus, you can also Leverage AI to recommend the most suitable articles answer the most common questions with Gorgias’ autoresponder.

Our users love these features and were able to automate 41% of their tasks – which decreased the customer service response time by a whopping 96%.

…and saved about 5 hours a week for each of their customer service reps.

Constantly Improve Your Business

The biggest problem with platforms like Shopify is that you don’t own your data.

In fact, from our experience, it’s almost impossible to migrate from platforms like Shopify and get all the data that are rightfully yours (unless you want to get attorneys involved.)

You spend all this money, yet you get no data…

We understood this major drawback and decided to change it. Our in-house team of consultants and developers work with thousands of Checkout Champ clients, see huge amounts of data on what’s working now, and are constantly experimenting and testing.

…and to do the same for your customer service, we’ve partnered with Gorgias.

Gorgias gives you in-depth data on your customer service performance, so you can monitor it and constantly improve.

You’ll get a lot of valuable metrics, including:

First response time

One-touch tickets

Resolution time

Also, with Gorgias support performance statistics, you can easily see when you receive the most inquiries during the week. Then, plan for your busiest times to optimize your resources.

Plus, you can also see the total sales revenue brought in from customer support.

You can track revenue growth on a weekly or monthly basis to inform your day-to-day operations, so you know your team’s impact on your bottom line.

Data-driven decisions are a driving force of every successful business.

…and Checkout Champ users have seen unbelievable results from relying on data rather than guesswork.

Drive 80K+ In Revenue & Maximize Customer Satisfaction

Gorgias is the best customer service platform, serving over 12k most popular brands around the globe. It’s super-intuitive and has brought massive results for Checkout Champusers, including:

$80k+ generated in revenue from providing exceptional customer service and turning thousands of lost customers into loyal audience

46% increase in profitability by offering a more personalized experience

84% faster resolution and 98% quicker response time, which separated us from competitors, and helped us win more customers

…and saved over 400K in revenue from refunds in just a few months.

It’s a MUST-HAVE for every ecommerce business looking to thrive in this hyper-competitive game.

Looking to easily integrate Gorgias or any other customer service platform into your ecom stores and funnels without additional apps or expensive custom development?

Checkout Champ can help - click to Book a demo call now