Get 201% Growth in Revenue & 122.3X ROI with Klaviyo

100,000+ brands in 80+ countries use Klaviyo to grow – now it’s your time!

Best-in-class email deliverability, intelligent marketing automation, artificial intelligence, and powerful data allow you to make the best decisions.

Checkout Champ users love Klaviyo and have seen incredible results from using it.

122.3x ROI for Pike Place Market sweet shop Chukar Cherries.

75 developer hours saved per month for Titan Fitness.

201% growth in revenue for AriZona Beverage Co. during their off-season.

Get all these benefits with the most powerful ecommerce Email and SMS marketing platform.

Reach Your Customers Everywhere With Omnichannel Messaging

Message your customers in their preferred way and maximize your chances of success.

Klaviyo allows you to reach your customers on the most popular channels including SMS, or mobile push.

Email Marketing

Create an unforgettable email experience with Klaviyo.

They offer tools that help countless ecommerce businesses increase the ROI of their email marketing. For instance, you can take advantage of email segmentation.

…and create super-appealing emails with Klaviyo’s templates.

On top of that, you get an insane amount of data on everything – so you can base your decisions on facts rather than feelings and drive more powerful results.

SMS Marketing

Use Klaviyo to get the most value out of your marketing, whether you’re switching from another SMS service or texting for the first time.

Texting is uniquely immediate and personal. It’s one of the best ways for brands to reach their best customers. And with Klaviyo, SMS seamlessly integrates with email. Give customers exactly the messages they want through the channel they prefer.

  • New product announcements
  • Coupons and time-sensitive sales
  • Back-in-stock and price drop alerts
  • Order/shipping/delivery confirmations
  • And so many others…

    13,000+ brands use Klaviyo SMS to grow and have seen massive results from doing it.

    Mobile Push

    Reach customers directly on their lock screen with mobile push notifications.

    Keep customers engaged—and buying—with personalized iOS and Android push notifications. Klaviyo allows you to create push notifications your customers want to open

  • Onboard new users. Welcome and retain users after downloading your app.
  • Deliver promotions. Create urgency for sales, offers, or new product drops.
  • Drive engagement. Encourage app users to take action with regular reminders.
  • Win back users. Rebuild relationships with inactive users.
  • Mobile push is one of the best ways to make your brand stand out and separate from competitors.

    Integrate & Sustain the Long-Term Growth

    At Checkout Champ, we make everything we can to ensure you’re as efficient as possible.

    That’s why we offer you 358+ all-in-one integrations, including Zapier, that can completely automate the manual labor and make your team focus on the stuff that matters – saving you a lot of money.

    However, there is a lot more that our team can help you with…

    Let Us Create A Custom Solution

    Checkout Champ has a strong team of developers who are here just for our customers. That means that if you don’t find a feature or functionality you’re looking for and no integration is suitable, we will develop it for your business.

    That’s right; you get a custom solution tailored just to your business.

    Book a demo with us today.

    Deliver The Best Experience & Win More Customers

    Customer experience is an essential aspect of every successful ecommerce and one of the deciding factors whether customers make a purchase.

    That’s why our team puts every effort into creating the most customer-friendly experience possible.

    Checkout Champ offers functionality and user experience that no other platform can match, which includes things like:

    <1 second checkout load speed, so your ecommerce store will be 10X faster than competitors on other platforms, and you’ll maximize the chances of making a sale.

    3X conversions with one-step checkout pages, which will help you capture more customers and increase revenue.

    99.9% uptime, so you never miss a single sale and steal competitors’ customers while their ecommerce site is down.

    But we decided to step up our game even further by partnering up with Klaviyo.

    Klaviyo provides tools to give you more control and ownership over your business and customers. It also helps you create the best possible experience and maximize sales.

    Here’s how Klaviyo creates a seamless experience.

    Customer Segmentation

    Increase engagement and maximize sales with in-depth, real-time customer segmentation.

    Instead, you will get your own success manager that will do everything for you!

    Klaviyo allows you to get specific and divide your audience into ultra-specific segments to make your business as relevant as possible.

    This updates in real-time, so you can target messages based on the latest:

  • Shopping behavior
  • Predictive analytics
  • Customer data
  • You set the rules – Klaviyo does the rest.

    We have tons of users who’ve taken advantage of segmentation and hyper-personalized experience, achieving unbelievable results like a 60% increase in revenue and a 60% decrease in unsubscribes.

    You set the rules – Klaviyo does the rest.

    Campaign Personalization

    You can segment your audience into smaller groups – but you can go a step further and personalize the experience for each individual.

    Klaviyo makes this possible with its time optimization and one-click personalization.

    Time optimization allows you to use email data to hit customers’ inbox or phone at the right time for them to open an email and respond.

    You can also create personalized campaigns to targeted email lists – with as little as a single click. That’s the secret behind Klaviyo’s world-class open and CTR rates.

    Ready to Maximize Your Sales & Customers?

    Klaviyo is the most powerful omnichannel marketing platform out there. There are 100,000+ brands in 80+ countries using Klaviyo to grow – now it’s time for you!

    Take advantage of intelligent marketing automation powered by your customer data.

    It’s time to step up your business and get these results.

    122.3x ROI for Pike Place Market sweet shop Chukar Cherries.

    75 developer hours saved per month for Titan Fitness.

    201% growth in revenue for AriZona Beverage Co. during their off-season.

    Checkout Champ takes care of the whole e-commerce experience, while Klaviyo adds a cherry on top with its flawless omnichannel marketing.

    If you’re looking to maximize customer experience and drive higher revenue, you need to use it now.

    Looking to easily integrate Klaviyo or any other marketing platform to your ecom stores and funnels, without additional apps or expensive custom development?

    Checkout Champ can help.

    Book a demo call with our team now!