Pop Up Order Bumps by Checkout Champ: The Complete Guide to Maximize Revenue

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Pop up order bumps can make a huge difference for your bottom line. In fact, if you know what you’re doing, your business can experience:

  • 10-30% of additional revenue
  • 61.5% increase in conversions
  • $5000 extra in revenue

…and so much more.

In this post, you’ll discover everything about order bumps, some of the best examples to inspire youand how to implement them into your business effectively.

What is an Order Bump?

An order bump is a way to add an additional product on the checkout page.

It’s usually a low-cost offer that complements the existing product. For instance, if you’re selling a laptop, you might also offer your customers a mouse, an external drive, or a laptop bag.

Order Bump vs. Upsell

The biggest difference between order bumps and upsells is the timing of the offer.

Order bumps are pre-checkout offers. This means that you get these offers before you purchase your original product.

On the other hand, upsells are post-checkout offers.

Another difference between the two is usually in the value of the offer you’re trying to sell. Order bumps tend to be lower-value – which is the opposite of upsells.

Why You MUST Leverage Order Bumps

Order bumps can greatly enhance your revenue. In fact, companies that implement tactics like order bumps generate as much as 10-30% of additional revenue.

With that said, here are the most powerful benefits of using order bumps with your strategy.

#1: More Conversions

Order bumps can make a huge difference for your business.

That’s right. Amazon revealed that 35% of its revenue is generated through upsellscross-sells, and order bumps. Now that’s huge!

It’s no wonder that all the fastest-growing companies are using these tactics.

#2: Adding Value To Your Products

Order bumps add value to the products that are being purchased and make customers’ shopping experiences more meaningful.

For instance, a great example of that is by StoicRings.

They sell high-quality rings, and as a bonus/order bump, they allow their customers to engrave text into the ring – which makes the ring a lot better.

That’s how order bumps increase the value of products and make customers enjoy them more.

#3: Improve the Customer Experience

Order bumps are great for improving customer satisfaction – one of the driving forces of sales.

This is because they allow your customers to get the most out of their products. It’s like buying a pair of sneakers and a cleaning kit to keep them nice and shiny all the time.

They improve customer experience, boost satisfaction, and make them buy more.

4 Order Bump Tips & Examples

Order bumps can be a great driving force for your revenue.

In this section, you’ll discover some of the best tips and examples for creating high-converting order bumps that make sales.

#1: Keep it simple

The goal of your order bump is to capture attention and convince customers to buy it.

However, this doesn’t mean you need to overkill it. Do not stuff it with tons of colors, huge text, or a variety of design features.

(it will only detract customers from buying it.)

Instead, keep it nice and simple, and make it relevant to the main product.

#2: Offer special deals or discounts

Most consumers base their purchases and shopping lists on their discounts and coupons. You can leverage this fact in two ways…

1.Offer a Discount on the Order Bump

It’s as simple as listing a discounted order bump product.

It’s also beneficial to add scarcity or urgency to your order bump. This can be in the form of a ticking discount timer or “only X products left – hurry up”.

2.Make Customers eligible for Free Shipping/Discount

Customers are willing to pay more to qualify for a discount or free shipping.

You can leverage this fact and offer order bumps as a way to increase their order value and therefore qualify for a better deal.

#3: Offer Value to Your Customers

To maximize sales, It’s essential you showcase the value of your offer.

In fact, the more value you can offer, the more likely they will take up your offer. You can show value by giving your customer exclusive deals and products/services that complement or enhance their original purchase.

Or you can create “Others also enjoy…” or “Enjoy your product more with…” sections.

#4: Price Strategically

Based on the product a customer is purchasing, you already know the kind of money they are ready or willing to spend. This gives you a massive opportunity to properly price your order bump products. What’s important to understand is that there is a higher likelihood of your order bump succeeding if your offer is lower than the price limit they set for themselves.

Ideally, you want to keep your order bumps at around 50 – 60% lower than the original product. For instance, if someone buys a MacBook at around $1.5k, you can sell them an Apple Care, USB-C cable, or an adapter.

Additionally, you could also consider offering AirPods Pro since they’re a lot less expensive.

Create High-Converting Order Bumps with Checkout Champ

Pop up order bumps can help you drive more sales, increase average order value, and improve customer satisfaction. In fact, order bumps make up as much as 10-30% of additional revenue. But of course, to get these numbers, you have to make your order bumps on point. Fortunately, now you know everything you need to create killer order bumps that sell like CRAZY.

Now it’s time to put it into action. That’s where Checkout Champ comes in.

Checkout Champ is the most powerful ecommerce platform out there.

It is the only performance e-commerce platform in the industry. Take advantage of one-click order bumps, personalize them by connecting your CRM, and drive more revenue for your ecommerce.

We’ve got it all – 500+ integration, 100+ currencies, and the fastest and most reliable platform.

Plus, we also provide our users and customers with the IMPOSSIBLE experience:

  • >1 second checkout load speed
  • 10X faster than your current e-commerce
  • 3X conversions with one-step checkout pages

…and an elite arsenal of tools to help you make your user experience and sales on-point.

If you want to maximize your sales, we are the platform for you!

Book a demo and skyrocket your sales now.