What Are the Best Types of Products to Offer Subscriptions to on Your Ecommerce Store?

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According to one report, nearly 60% of U.S. consumers are currently signed up for at least one type of online subscription service. Are you thinking about converting some of your e-commerce products into subscriptions?

This strategy can help you convert one-time customers into repeat buyers so you can grow your brand following, build your bottom line, and strengthen your long-term relationships. Not sure where to start?

Today, we’re taking a look at which products work best with a subscription business model, and how our platform can help you take that first step.

1. Clothing and Apparel

Studies show that when consumers have enough money to shop online for non-essentials, clothing is the first place they splurge. If you’re already selling apparel, footwear, and/or accessories through your e-commerce shop, you could transfer some of that business into ongoing subscription revenue.

Ask your site visitors to complete a short survey, where you’ll learn their sizes and preferred styles. Then, give them the opportunity to receive a box of clothing once a month or once a quarter. This way, they can stay on top of trends and diversify their wardrobe!

2. Meal Kits

Meal kits saw explosive growth at the height of the pandemic when at-home dining rates surged. Even now, 92% of families plan to continue that trend, spending less time and money dining out at restaurants. As a result, they’re looking for easy-to-prepare meals that they can quickly assemble to feed their crews.

If your company offers food items or beverages of any kind, you can package them together to create a subscription e-commerce business. Product bundling helps you expand your footprint and add more offerings.

3. Hobbies

From crocheting and scrapbooking to reading and drawing, there are tons of hobbies that fascinate your buyers. Why not embrace a subscription business model that caters to a particular niche?

Think about small items that your consumers might like to support their interests, such as art supplies or a book of the month. Then, bundle them together for a new offering each time!

4. Health and Wellness

The U.S. health and wellness industry is currently valued at $4 trillion and is expected to grow to $6.75 trillion by 2030. Companies that offer subscription-based products in this sector stand to gain from this impressive growth!

Think about products that would fit your current business model, and expand from there. This is a wide-reaching niche, with tons of ideas to choose from, such as:

  • Vitamins
  • Supplements
  • Protein shakes
  • Skincare products (e.g. masks, scrubs, serums, lotions)
  • Stationery items (e.g. cards, journals, pens)
  • Yoga accessories

Develop a Subscription Business Model for Your Brand

There’s nothing like getting happy mail! When your customers know they have their favorite products to look forward to on a regular basis, their brand loyalty is sure to grow.

If you’re interested in launching a subscription business model, we can help you get there. With our one-click e-commerce checkout solution, you can manage your recurring payments and scale your operations with ease.

Integrating into your online store with just one line of code, it’s a cinch to start. Contact us today to learn more and book a demo!

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